Hump spider beetle

(Gibbium psylloides)


This brown-red beetle is 2 to 3 mm long and cannot fly. It has an extremely curved, spherical back and a spider-like appearance, which is why it is sometimes mistaken for a tick. Its legs and antennae are fine and have a thick coating of golden yellow hair. It can be found primarily in old buildings with dark and damp areas, in bakeries and in grain stores. The beetles and larvae are omnivores and infest many different items, including grains, grain products, drugs, furs, hay and animal feed.

They are capable of spinning and pupate in a cocoon. The beetle is extremely agile, likes damp environments and is sensitive to light, meaning that it roams when it is dark. It cannot fly as the wing covers are joined together and it does not have hind wings at all.

The beetle was originally native to warmer regions, but is now found all over the world. However, in Central Europe, it stays close to people (bakeries, living areas, etc.) and cannot hibernate outdoors.



When it feeds on foodstuffs, the damage it causes is minimal. The beetles primarily cause damage to material, such as textiles, leather, paper, packaging material, insulation material, etc. They often develop on filling material in false floors and ceiling cavities of old buildings and then become very troublesome when they reproduce en masse. They often appear en masse, particularly in renovations when the framework is exposed again in buildings.