Aluminium Phosphide
Aluminium phosphide is created by the fusion of aluminium und red phosphorus. In contact with ambient air and humidity the very efficient phosphine gas is developed and released.
Target organisms can be controlled effectively by the use of aluminium phosphide containing products in outdoor areas as agricultural fields, parks, sport facilities, railroads, dams/dikes, garden, parking, airfields/aerodromes, solar fields, wind turbine areas, etc.
The toxic properties of the gas allows the fumigation of burrows/galleries of rodents, providing an efficient solution to any infestation.

Pellets contain of 56-57% aluminium phosphide as active substance and 43-44% inert components, mainly ammonium carbamate amongst others, that facilitate controlled outgassing of phosphine.
One pellet has a weight of 0.6 g and releases 0.2 g phosphine gas.

Round Tablets
Round Tablets contain of 56-57% aluminium phosphide as active substance and 43-44% inert components, mainly ammonium carbamate amongst others, that facilitate controlled outgassing of phosphine.
One round tablet has a weight of 3 g and releases 1 g phosphine gas.

Pellets and Round Tablets
UN-approved aluminium flasks in different flask sizes with specially sealed aluminium lid and plastic screw cap
90/100 g, 250/300 g, 1,000 g net
Please be aware that, due to the danger of the product, we only provide it for professional users.
For dosages and application please refer to the label or user's manual.
Always applicate the product with a special applicator into the burrows.
Appropriate applicators can be found here

Phosphine is also highly toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals. It is therefore absolutely necessary to comply with the relevant safety measures. To raise the level of safety when the products are applied, special components have been included in the formulations to delay outgassing. The safety of Detia Freyberg fumigants is further optimized by the simplicity of their application. The products may only be used by specially trained personnel or under their supervision and always by following country-specific regulations/legislations.
Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Use Plant Protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.